Financial Resources

Financial Resources


Restore Main Street Loan

The Restore Main Street competitive loan program allows an owner of rental housing to apply for a loan to cover the costs to improve housing located on the second or third floors of an existing building with commercial space on the ground level. Eligible Borrowers: Any owner of rental housing other than a city, village, town or county. This is Assembly bill 265, now 2023 Wisconsin Act 15, administered by WHEDA.

Home Repair and Rehab Loan (Home R&R Loan)

Qualified Wisconsin homeowners may apply for the Home R&R Loan to repair and/or rehabilitate their single-family residence by applying with their local lender. This is administered by WHEDA.


Restore Main Street Loan

The Restore Main Street competitive loan program allows an owner of rental housing to apply for a loan to cover the costs to improve housing located on the second or third floors of an existing building with commercial space on the ground level. Eligible Borrowers: Any owner of rental housing other than a city, village, town or county. This is Assembly bill 265, now 2023 Wisconsin Act 15, administered by WHEDA.

Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC)

LIHTC is a federal program that provides tax credits to developers to incentivize the creation of affordable rental housing. These tax credits are allocated by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA) and can be sold to investors to raise capital for affordable housing projects.

Home Investment Partnerships Program

The HOME program provides federal funds to states and localities to support affordable housing initiatives, including the construction, acquisition, and rehabilitation of affordable housing for low-income individuals and families. WHEDA administers HOME funds.

Wisconsin Housing Trust Fund

This state-funded program provides grants, loans, and other financial assistance to support affordable housing development, preservation, and rehabilitation efforts across Wisconsin. It is administered by WHEDA.

Infrastructure Access Loan

This competitive loan program allows a residential housing developer to apply for a loan to cover the costs of installing, replacing, upgrading, or improving public infrastructure related to workforce housing or senior housing. These are costs typically covered by the developer. This is Assembly Bill 264, now 2023 Wisconsin Act 14; amended by Assembly Bill 1075, now 2023 Wisconsin Act 209 and is WHEDA administered program.

Vacancy-to-Vitality Loan Program

This competitive loan program allows a developer to apply for a loan to help cover the cost o converting a vacant commercial building to workforce housing or senior housing. This is Assembly Bill 268, now 2023 Wisconsin Act 18.

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