MIWC Membership

MIWC Membership

Why Join the Made in Walworth County (MIWC) Group?

Your membership with the “Made in Walworth County” manufacturing group includes a Dedicated Administration Group

The focus of the admin. group is to
Promote Awareness

of the benefits manufacturing and the corresponding career opportunities through
– Variety of Activities (involving students, parents, educators, community members)
– Communications (web presence, newsletter)

Facilitate Networking
between members of this exclusive group of advanced manufacturers from the greater Walworth County area through:
– Events (featuring expert speakers, facilitating intra-group discussions, sharing best practices, etc.)
– Communications (web presence, newsletter, private blog, input to educators and legislators, etc.)

Awareness Activities

  • Facility Tours/Job Fairs/Apprenticeships/Internships/Co-ops/Externships/Craftsman with Character
    Available to students, parents and community members
  • Policymaker Education
    Advise local and state policymakers of the benefits of manufacturing.
  • Project Promotion
    Promote student projects that enable interaction with manufacturers.
  • Branding
    Brand Walworth County as a region that has a strong manufacturing base.
  • Bridge the Education Gap
    Only 11% of employers feel new graduates are ready for work. Help inform secondary and post-secondary schools of current manufacturing educational needs.

Networking Activities

  • Information Sharing
    Communicate with others in the manufacturing field. Ask questions, share ideas, problems and best practices, plan for the betterment of the industry…
  • Hear from the Experts
    Attend exclusive events for members featuring expert speakers presenting on vital subjects.
  • Legal & Regulatory Input
    from experts and collegues

Annual Membership Levels (includes memberships to Kareers4Kids and WCEDA)

0-10 Employees
Already a member of WCEDA?
Subtract $295

11-25 Employees
Already a member of WCEDA?
Subtract $415

26-50 Employees
Already a member of WCEDA?
Subtract $675

51+ Employees
Already a member of WCEDA?
Subtract $895

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