It's crucial to strategically reinvest in your business to maintain competitiveness in constantly evolving markets. Technology and equipment upgrades, infrastructure maintenance, and marketing programs tend to take precedence, but in the quest to attract talent, adaptability and creative thinking have emerged as indispensable traits for businesses. We'll discuss why failing to reinvest in your current workforce and offer development opportunities for prospective employees isn't an option.
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SCC-University (SCC-U), sponsored by Superior Crane Corporation, is a community outreach, paid, training program for students at least 16 years and older, held for approximately 16 weeks during the summer. The 2-year program offers hands-on training to the following trades: Welding, Machining, Service/Maintenance Repair, Electrical, Engineering and a solid foundation to Life and Financial skills.
The two-year program provides students with real-life exposure to a growing, family-owned manufacturing company that feels employees are their most valuable asset. This exposure allows students to help select a career that meets their interests, while getting paid. Upon completion of the first year, SCC makes recommendations to each student on how they can achieve their career goals and the pathways best suited to each student.
Leadership and Supervision
Business and Workforce Solutions
Gateway Technical College
Language and Essential Skills Education
Business and Workforce Solutions
Walworth County Business Services Representative
Southeastern Wisconsin Workforce Development Board
Director of School to Work Opportunities
Elkhorn Area School District
Program Manager, Inspire Walworth County & Made in Walworth County
Co-Executive Director
Higher Expectations for Racine County
Business Services