We partner with professional industry training organizations to offer these professional development programs on an as-needed basis.
Lean Operations & Efficiency
This workshop covers the basics of supply chain management through the entire chain from suppliers to customers. This workshop helps you to improve planning, forecasting, quality management, and inventory control in order to help your business reduce waste and resources.
Change Management
We offer a Fundamentals of Supervision workshop especially helpful with businesses undergoing organizational change. Help your front-line supervisors to effectively manage day-to-day operations in staffing, planning, training, and controlling processes during this crucial time.
Lean-Six Sigma Continuous Learning
Ready to take the next step in Six Sigma? Learn how to combine lean principles with Six Sigma and greatly improve your efficiency and quality. If you’ve had previous Six Sigma training, you can discover how to advance from Green Belt to Black belt or Champion.
Six Sigma
Get started on the basics of Six Sigma to help improve your business processes! Learn about what Six Sigma means to your organization and supervisors and the next steps to continue the journey of improvement.
Soft Skills
Our Fundamentals of Supervision workshop helps to train new supervisors on the basics of team building, motivating others, delegation, and leadership. All organizations benefit from capable leadership and highly-motivated employees.
Customized Training
We will gladly provide any other training resources to help improve and grow your business!